Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 3: Your first love

While I've given away hints of the secret life of Adam Morrison, there is still plenty more where that didn't come from. I had fleeting fancies throughout my early years, and while I like to mock teenagers who think they are in love...I will mock myself with my supposed first love.
I thought I would do anything for her. I believed that I was committed. I think the real love I felt for her came from hormones. My first love was my 8th grade girlfriend (and also 11th grade), Miranda Fessler.
When you're a teenager, making out pretty much equates to love. So yes, we loved each other...a lot. I feel quite bad for some of our classmates who rode the show choir bus because we loved each other on the bus at night, too. One time, I snuck over to her house while her parents were out, and we loved each other.
Thankfully, I had not really had the ol' puberty, so loving each other stopped at making out. Otherwise, we might have a child with a weird parental experience.