Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 17: Something you’re looking forward to

As some of you may know, I moved to Peoria to in January to help start a new church. That church won't get running until the pastor and the rest of the team move up here. One exciting step in this process is coming up this weekend. Lamar and Tanya are moving to Morton, IL!

Of course, I'm happy to see Lamar and Tanya, but more importantly, I'm excited to see their son, Peyton. We went to Chuckie Cheese for his fifth birthday. I was his special guest.

Last week, I heard from some folks that Peyton was getting nervous about moving up here. He'd be leaving all his friends and extended family. He'd be in a new school with new kids who don't know him yet... So I wrote him a letter. I don't have an exact copy of the letter, but here is my best effort:
Dear Peyton,
I am super excited. Do you know why? It's because you will be moving near me soon! Just think of it! No longer will we be an hour and a half away! We'll only be fifteen minutes away from each other. That means, we can visit each other and play Wii all the time! 
I bet you're probably a little nervous about moving to Morton. But remember, you're a pretty cool kid. You're really smart. You're a total stud. And You're really great at baseball! The kids in your new class will totally think you're pretty cool.
I also heard there's another kid who looks just like you and that he is also named Peyton. I bet you'll be great friends. 
As I said, I don't remember if that's the exact letter, but he was pretty ecstatic to see that he had received mail AND that it was a letter from me. Tanya said he wanted to hang it on his closet door, but he must wait until he gets into his new house to hang my dramatic letter.

I also included a drawing I made for Lauren, Peyton's younger sister. She really liked it, too, but when Angie (the same Angie I've referenced in countless posts, also Tanya's sister) and I were talking over the phone, Lauren said she didn't like me. I heard it. I wasn't supposed to hear it. ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hahaha I love this post and the last picture...that was a fun night! Thanks again for saving my life!;)
