Thursday, April 7, 2011

What the Blog!? Day 31: A picture that makes you sad

You guessed it. If you would like me to continue to blog about interesting or whacky things, I will be selecting what I blog about by what you comment in each day's previous entry. Yesterday, Mark Egli commented with a billion things; however, only one will be selected. You may re-comment an idea if I have not chosen it. Even if I have chosen it, you might want to comment again because it was that amazing.

Without further ado, Mark Egli wins for the day with:

DAY 31: A picture that makes you sad
Mark Egli is one person who should know what makes me sad. That's probably why he suggested this topic. He's quite the controversial Jelly Belly...not that he has a jelly belly. He's been working out with me and Carrie. He's looking the fit fiddle.

I was going to say that this picture makes me sad because I couldn't find a shorter stick to poke the fire with, but while contemplating that, I found a better one.

This "family picture" makes me sad because I no longer get to have fun with Jim Wood on a daily basis. If you have a Jim Wood in your life, be sure to thank him regularly. You don't know what you got til it's gone...or until you move away from it.


  1. I am honored, even though you only picked one. Although I do secretly wish you'd picked to show us a picture from next year. We all want to know what you'll look like! Will you perhaps have a toothpick in your nose?

  2. If it was possible for you to ditch from human to animal form at will, which animal would you choose?

  3. **switch. And please include a picture of said animal.

  4. I ran across this photo the other day and thought, "This is probably the best family photo I've ever been involved with." I look like the peace-keeping mother, Adam is the spunky eight year-old, and Jax is the dad who's had a few drinks and is tolerating every minute of "family time".
