Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Day 39: What is your favorite Broadway musical and why? Also, video of yourself singing your fav song from that musical.

Thanks to my friend, Michelle, for suggesting this great idea for my blog post. My favorite musical of all time would have to be Chicago. It's about this young woman who desires to be a famous vaudevillian. She ends up committing crimes which rocket her to the top. I love the jazzy razzle dazzle music of the whole musical. I'm pretty sure I have most of the songs memorized, or at least I'm able to sing along with them in the car. One reason I like it is because a potential nobody meteorically rises to fame, has her struggles, and then partners with a buddy to stay on top of the world until the show ends. 

My favorite song from Chicago...is hard to nail down. I love almost every song. I started to make a list here, but I was copying and pasting every song title, so that's foolish. After much time and wait, I figured out which was my favorite. I recorded myself singing to a modified MIDI file I downloaded of the music. And I filmed myself. Now, you tell ME who is the weakest link. Goodbye. 

Friday, April 22, 2011

Day 38: What if...

What if I had time to do the awesome post that Michelle suggested? I'd have it done by now. But since recording myself singing my favorite musical number as well as doing a little dance is taking too long, I'll keep working on it in the background of the regular blog.

I am applying to be a shift supervisor at my job. I have an interview today. Hopefully it goes well. If I don't get it, I'll be okay.

What should I do tomorrow?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 37: What will you name your kids someday?

I like names. I like naming things. That's why I play The Sims and make my sims have tons of children or pets. I let them all know how important they are by their name. Gahrbauge Trash is just a lowly dumpster diver, but Mortimer James is a monocle wearing fancy pant.

When it comes to my potential children, this is still not too far off. Feel free to mock the names I choose because y'all know I mock what other people name their kids, especially "James." I don't mind "Jim," but "James" is just a plural form of nonsense. I apologize if I have offended those of you who love or have the name James, Ha-mace in Spanish.

Since we all know I would prefer to have sons, let's start with girl names. That way, if I do have a daughter, she'll feel important and like a princess frog. Here are some girl names I would name my kids, in some or no particular order:

  1. Virginia - Both of my grandmas are Virginias, and I think it is a cute name that is coming back in style.
  2. Jubilee - I like this name for a girl because it will be a day of rejoicing and festivities when I have a child. Satan tried to rob me of such joy, and God will be like, "I don't think so, fool."
  3. Lola - This name I've always thought was cute because it was the name of my great-aunt who lived on a chicken farm.
Boys names are much easier for me to come up with. The hard part will be for me to narrow down my list to three or five, not four. 
  1. Ernie - As of late, I've come to realize how much my family means to me and that I'd like to pass on names from it. My grandpa Ernie has always been one of the sweetest, most loyal men in my life. I have a ton of respect for him and love him very much. 
  2. Hayden - I really started liking this name when my cousins named their first son, Hayden.
  3. Cedric - This is cheesy, but I love this name because of Harry Potter. When Cedric died, I cried for hours. 
Middle names? I don't know yet. We'd have to wait that one out. I've often thought about naming my second child Draco Malfoy Morrison, and by often, I mean once. 

Thanks to Ellen Benefield for suggesting today's topic. Visit her and Kyle's website, mexicomercy.com to help support their missionary work in Mazatlan, MX. 

Please suggest what I'll be writing about tomorrow!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Day 35: Bob and Jean

I've mentioned before about a couple from The Vineyard Church in Urbana who are top notch people. I mean, they are the cream of the crop. The banana's sandwich! The cat's pajamas! They are none other than:

Bob and Jean!
They frequently open their home up to anyone and everyone. Bob is "retired," but he goes around doing construction, plumbing, and just about anything else to help people he knows. If you ever have a problem, he'll be over in his truck within the hour and take care of you or point you to who can take care of you.

Jean likes to cook for lots of people. She'll often have big holiday meals at her house for people who might not have much family in the area or are here alone.

They both are cheery people on the Welcome Team at the Vineyard, as well. Bob is always a happy face, greeting you at the door. Jean serves up donuts and bagels with a smile and a compliment. She's pretty darn sweet.

A while back, Jean threw a big birthday party for Bob! It was his eightieth birthday, so she went all out. She asked Joanna and I to sing for the party. We decided to sing a big of a song from each decade of his life. It was a blast had by all.

The 80s, held up by Jimmy B Wood.
They also had a photo booth set up. The booth was the old Welcome Center. Not really a small thing.

Family photo!
I do miss my Bob and Jean from Urbana. They were at treat. They probably also have a healthy sex life.

Thanks to Gabe for today's suggestion. What should I blog about tomorrow?

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Day 34: A lesson you still haven't learned.

I know you might not believe it, but I have not learned that I should always try to pass stool before I leave the home. It's always a surprise to me when that "guh!" feeling lowers in my tummy.

At least I make it to the toilet more than not! At least...

Thanks to Mark James for suggesting today's topic! What's tomorrow's gonna be?

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Day 33: The places and people you've lived with

Gabe Thaman gets the win for what to write about today! Where have I lived? Let me take you back...

I was born to a lovely parents in Paris, IL. I was the youngest of four brothers (Chris, Sean, Zach, and me). I only lived with my oldest brother four a couple of years before he moved to live with his mom.

I stayed in Paris until I was three years old. Then, we moved to Paxton, IL, where I would blow away the competition.

Fifteen years later, I moved to Champaign to live with Zach, Zach's best friend, Zach's ex-girlfriend, and her best friend.  That was an interesting year. Tales of people getting too drunk and wandering into the wrong bedroom and all that jazz. Zach and I worked at Hobbico together, so that was more bonding time, too!

The next year, I moved back to Paxton to live with my parents. They were thrilled, I'm sure.

About a year and a half later, I moved to a studio apartment in Champaign, a block away from Brad and Katie Hart. There, I shared a bathroom with two sixty year old men and some others somewhat closer to my age. Needless to say, I wore flip flops in the shower. That's the shower I killed my phone by talking to Leann over the mobile in the shower.

About half a year later, I moved in with a number of people. I don't remember them all. Daniel Goulet was the easiest to get along with since we were similar, as they say in Spanish. I shared a garage for a bedroom with Daniel Turner. I always felt like I annoyed him because he had to get up early and my life was not so bound by early morning times.

The next year, I moved to an apartment building, where I roomed with Chris Petersen, Paul Egli, and later Stephen Johnson. What I loved best about this was the "Friends" set up we had with the apartment across the hall being filled by Joanna Machen, Jill Rackow, Gatanya Arnic, and Gatanya's daughter. This was an overall fun living situation. Especially getting to watch good TV with Joanna!

At some point, I moved to Mahomet, IL with Josh and Michelle Bubniak! They had extra bedroom, the Princess room, and I had a need for speed. It was a good time. Michelle and I cried as we watched Rent and ate cookie dough. 

Me and Gabe
The next year, I moved with Gabe Thaman into Andrew and Audrey Kamm's house. Gabe, Andrew, and I were all pastoral interns at The Vineyard Church, and the Kamms' were giving us a great deal living there with them. Sometimes, Gabe and I would run out of toilet paper, but at least we had a shower. 

The next year, Gabe and I moved in with Bob and Jean Mason, an older couple from The Vineyard Church who often rented out rooms to internationals and the sort. Their grandson lived there with them. We shared a bathroom with him. There was also an older female pastor living upstairs. At one point, there were three girls from Eastern Europe who were selling books around town. For another bit, Jorge from Mazatlan lived with us. Then Stephen Johnson moved in with us, too. Always good people. 

Gabe was my favorite roommate of all time. I don't know of anyone else who I got along with soooo well. We were quite complementary. 

About a couple years later, I moved in with Mike Slone. I fried a lot of food. Mike had good costume and man parties. He also had good video games. I did not like having to live on the third floor with washers and dryers on the first floor, but Mike was a easy, cheap person to rent from. 

The next year, I moved in to a one-bedroom apartment. It was a great time. It was also behind El Toro, so I was confused by the smell of pancakes or grease or whatever when I'd wake up in the morning. 

Less than a year later, I moved to the good ol' Peoria, IL. I live by myself; however, I can walk about a block and hang out with Mark and Carrie Egli, who live in the same complex. Peoria is great. You should move here and work at Par-A-Dice with me. 

What shall I write about tomorrow?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Day 32: If it was possible for you to switch from human to animal form at will, which animal would you choose?

You've often known my desire to morph into an animal at will. Some people wish they could morph into a crab, so they can pinch their enemies to death. Some people wish to be able to morph into a llama, so they can eat the ham. I, on the other hand, have higher thoughts.

I quickly thought about how much I'd love to be a monkey and eat bananas as long as I still wasn't allergic to them. Then, I could do things like climb trees and throw poop at people who walk by. But then, I thought, "Man, oh man! I'd love to be a tiger. Raw power. Stripes! Who knew!?" I could hunt like a wild man.

However, after all that thinking, I ate some burnt Fruity Dyno-Bites and wanted to throw up. Then, I realized, "If I was any of those two creatures, I'd be hunted down, trapped, or put in a zoo." And that's why I did not choose them.

I love having dreams about flying, and I thought, "I should be an animal that flies!" There are a few mammals that try to fly, but I had to end up deciding on a bird. Now, you might think, "I bet he'll choose the Bald Eagle cuz he's the American, bird...or maybe a hawk, since he is Adam the Hawk." If you think that, you're wrong. I chose:

Philippine Eagle
The Philippine Eagle is one of the most rare raptors in creation. It's also large and in charge and has a wicked awesome hair cut when it's all up in your business. And might I add, check out this wingspan:

It's from a far away place, so it doesn't look that big. I'll try it again.

No you know.

When someone would try to come up and catch me or put me in a trap or even throw me in the zoo, I'd fly away. I'd also sit on top of trees and look down at people like they don't even know.

I also had a dream that I got the job at Par-A-Dice, so let's keep praying my interview at 5pm goes spectacular. I've had a lot of dreams about upcoming events...It's freaking people out. Some people die a little.

What should I blog tomorrow?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What the Blog!? Day 31: A picture that makes you sad

You guessed it. If you would like me to continue to blog about interesting or whacky things, I will be selecting what I blog about by what you comment in each day's previous entry. Yesterday, Mark Egli commented with a billion things; however, only one will be selected. You may re-comment an idea if I have not chosen it. Even if I have chosen it, you might want to comment again because it was that amazing.

Without further ado, Mark Egli wins for the day with:

DAY 31: A picture that makes you sad
Mark Egli is one person who should know what makes me sad. That's probably why he suggested this topic. He's quite the controversial Jelly Belly...not that he has a jelly belly. He's been working out with me and Carrie. He's looking the fit fiddle.

I was going to say that this picture makes me sad because I couldn't find a shorter stick to poke the fire with, but while contemplating that, I found a better one.

This "family picture" makes me sad because I no longer get to have fun with Jim Wood on a daily basis. If you have a Jim Wood in your life, be sure to thank him regularly. You don't know what you got til it's gone...or until you move away from it.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 30: A picture of yourself this day and 5 good things that happened since you started the challenge

Well, I did it. 30 days later, I still look so good.

A lot has happened. I don't remember much of it, but I will try to get five things out for you.
  1. I was given two hours of over-time at work last week.
  2. I got to hang out with Angie and Jenna in Peoria!
  3. I made/ate ice cream cake for Mark's birthday party!
  4. I made a song about Charlie Sheen that got 203 views. 
  5. Jim Wood and I had a fake fight on Facebook.
Thanks for keeping up with me!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 29: 3 wishes

What does "3" wish? I wish 3 would hurry up and wish, already. Yes, I did think that was funny. I laughed for a bit. Not too much, though. It's simply that this day doesn't really say anything such as, "If you could have three wishes, what would they be?" No, just 3 WISHES!!!

If I could have three wishes from a genie in a bottle, I'd probably be called a witch and be burned at the stake. What really happened in life was: I loved Genie in a Bottle, and I was called a queen. Not quite the same thing.

3 Wishes:
  1. I wish I could fly (without help from a machine or another other substance). I love having dreams where I am flying around town or the supermarket. My short friends could turn to me for help when they need something off the top shelf at IKEA. I would need to invest in googles and helmets and such, so I don't get bug-ridden from travel. 
  2. I wish I could go back and live life over with the knowledge and wisdom I now have. Wouldn't that be great? I'd probably still make stupid mistakes, but I'd be a whole lot better at understanding people around me. True, I am who I am today because of the choices I made, but this is my blog and my wish. I can wish what I want, jerk.
  3. I wish I could communicate with God just like how I communicate with people on this earth. It would be great to be able to see God's facial expressions, hear his intonation, and clearly hear what he is saying to me. Would that falter my faith? I don't think so, but who am I to judge?
If I could ask for more wishes, I'd probably also wish that my bowels would not be so irritable and uncontrollable. I'd wish that I was able to flee from temptation without pause. I'd wish that I could sing like a male version of Christina Aguilera. 

If you ever come across a genie who has been stuck in a bottle for centuries, I think he might slap you first. Then he'd probably realize what he had done and ask for forgiveness. He, or SHE...oooo...think about it...

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 28: Something that stresses you out

This stresses me out.

Excerpt from Martin Luther's letter to von Rechenberg

“If God were to save anyone without faith, he would be acting contrary to his own words and would give himself the lie; yes, he would deny himself. And that is impossible for, as St. Paul declares, God cannot deny himself [ ]. It is as impossible for God to save without faith as it is impossible for divine truth to lie. That is clear, obvious, and easily understood, no matter how reluctant the old wineskin is to hold this wine--yes, is unable to hold and contain it.” “It would be quite a different question whether God can impart faith to some in the hour of death or after death so that these people could be saved through faith. “Who would doubt God's ability to do that”? No one, however, can prove that he does do this. For all that we read is that he has already raised people from the dead and thus granted them faith. But whether he gives faith or not, it is impossible for anyone to be saved without faith. Otherwise every sermon, the gospel, and faith would be vain, false, and deceptive, since the entire gospel makes faith necessary. (Works, 43, ed. and trans. G. Wienke and H. T. Lehmann [Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1968], 53-54; WA 10.ii, 324.25-325.11)”“II Tim. 2:13”

Can people come to faith after death? Not sure.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 27: Original photo of the city you live in

One of the first pictures I took in Peoria was of the Rave Theater. Steve and Melissa Logsdon invited Mark, Carrie, and me to go see Tron! God knows what happened. It was amazing. People cried. I laughed out loud. No one knows what will come next.

If that doesn't fancy your suit, come on by and check out this photo I took off the deck of the Par-A-Dice Casino!

You get to see a little more of that crazy skyline here. 

Remember, don't do drugs.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 26: Your dream wedding

This is something only fairy tales are made of, I hear. Let me lay it out for you.

First off, I would have a musical wedding. There would be some dialogue, but at key moments, the participants would break out in song. Picture this, as people are gathering into the auditorium, I would be up front playing acoustic guitar and singing some of my favorite songs as a pre-show concert. People would be free to throw money at me; however, it is not necessary. Then the pastor would walk in, singing about what a beautiful day for a wedding. The wedding party would gather in to an aisle dancing number with singing. Not too much dancing, we don't know the shape or tolerance of our party, and I want to be able to hear them sing, not just huff and puff. Yes, Edward Cullen is Cedric Diggory in Harry Potter. I didn't even know he was going to play Cedric when I cried like a fool.

The pastor would ask everyone to rise. Then, I would start singing about how thankful I am to know everyone, with such a song as "For Good." About halfway through the song, the bride would start walking down the aisle, as she starts singing, "It well may be that we will never meet again, in this life time." Of course, we are not singing to each other. We, together, are singing to the crowd of friends and family who have impacted our lives.

Fathers would give away daughters, and grandmas will sit there staring off into space cuz they're probably going batty, sadly. Our vows could be turned into a song or they could be spoken. We'd have to discuss that. We'd leave to some momentous song that tells everyone how magical of a day it will be (day, meaning period of time). God will shine his light on us, and all will be right in the world for this day.

There are probably other thoughts and sayings to include, but you get the picture. If my wife cannot sing, we will adjust this to being mostly me singing...or whatever she wants to do instead of this crazy musical idea.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 25: Put your iPod on shuffle, first 10 songs

Wizard People, Dear Reader,

I tell you the truth. I do not have an iPod. I do not have a computer. I do have a cell phone. This cell phone has no music. When I had an iPod, I barely used it. Why? Magical darkness is a must.

As I sit on my friend's computer, I think about how much fun it is to have Pandora Radio. Then it hits me. Nay, then he hits me. Mark slapped me for no reason. Why? I just told you. No reason.

  1. Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again - Cast of Phantom of the Opera
  2. Somebody to Love - Cast of Glee
  3. L-O-V-E - Nat King Cole
  4. Seasons of Love - Cast of Rent
  5. Another Day - Cast of Rent
  6. One Song Glory - Cast of Rent
  7. What's This? - Fall Out Boy
  8. Don't Stand So Close to Me/Young Girl - Cast of Glee
  9. Belle - Beauty and the Beast
  10. The Mob Song - Beauty and the Beast
I hope you see how great I am from my music. While it is not the same as a random sampling of iPod-mania...speaking of mania...this Sunday is Wrestlemania! I wish I wasn't working. I also wish then that my coworker Robbie had invited me over to watch it with her and her 20 friends/family! Alas, I am working. God is good.